
NightLife Highlights

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7 Top Tips For A Safe Night Out

With your head up, eyes focused, keys between the knuckles, you scan the parking garage as you make your way alone to meet your friends for a night on the town. We’re taught at a young age to be aware of our surroundings and be cautious. Because when we aren’t, we could be potentially opening the door to being a victim of a crime, assault or accident.By taking on board these top tips on staying safe you’ll go some way to help yourself have a great time whilst out and about.

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6 Sultry Spots for Single in NYC:

There is a pent-up demand to be with people again, to get back to our lives. Perhaps this will be a reprise to what happened at the end of the pandemic of 1918 with the Roaring Twenties. Whether you want to kick back at a low-key dive bar, show off what potentially could be embarrassing moves on a dance floor, or sip dirty martinis at a cocktail lounge, your sweetheart is out there waiting. Don’t stress if you’re feeling a little lost on where to begin the search—let’s jumpstart your next great love story. Here’s our list of the five flirtiest bars in NYC.

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Like with the upstairs part of the restaurant, Peachy’s leans into design. Expect a space flush with pink neon signs, peach blossoms, lanterns, Gucci wallpaper, and deep red banquettes. A neon sign also greets customers, saying “no photos, no fighting.” But with such a built-for-Instagram look, the request for no photos is “tongue-in-cheek,” a bid to “live in and enjoy the moment,” according to a spokeswoman.


If Austin Powers decorated a bar with whatever he could grab on a shopping spree at the ’70s equivalent of Bed Bath & Beyond, that bar would look like Joyface. This cocktail spot in the East Village has plush couches and rugs in various colors, paintings of tigers on the walls, a spinning disco ball, and a waterbed in the corner.


A can’t-miss combo of a Melissa Etheridge–heavy jukebox and strong drinks poured by cute chicks has kept this lesbian spot busy since 1991. Reggae and hip-hop spin most nights, inspiring a good bit of rump shaking among the young, flirty patrons. Weekends bring a higher bridge-and-tunnel quotient, but it’s nothing a Naughty Girl (blue curaçao, coconut rum and pineapple juice) can’t help you overlook.


Open 7 days a week and year-round, Refinery Rooftop is definitely a NYC rooftop restaurant and bar for many occasions. Found at the five star Refinery Hotel in Midtown Manhattan, this is a venue packed with an industrial chic design, fashionable and fun vibes, as well as majestic views of the Empire State Building and the Manhattan skyline.


The Empire Rooftop Bar can boast with both an indoor lounge, along with East and West outdoor terraces and a seasonal Sun Deck. The West terrace is equipped with a retractable roof, creating a year round rooftop experience. Newly redecorated, the Empire Rooftop Bar has a light and modern decór with lots of different seating areas. And up from the 12th floor location you get adorable views over the close by Lincoln Center, Brodway and Central ParK.


Like with the upstairs part of the restaurant, Peachy’s leans into design. Expect a space flush with pink neon signs, peach blossoms, lanterns, Gucci wallpaper, and deep red banquettes. A neon sign also greets customers, saying “no photos, no fighting.” But with such a built-for-Instagram look, the request for no photos is “tongue-in-cheek,” a bid to “live in and enjoy the moment,” according to a spokeswoman.

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7 Top Tips For A Safe Night Out


With your head up, eyes focused, keys between the knuckles, you scan the parking garage as you make your way alone to meet your friends for a night on the town. It’s supposed to be a fun night with your girlfriends—maybe some drinks and dancing—why all the vigilant behavior? Most people don’t expect things to go wrong during a fun night out with friends, but as a woman, this scenario is something we’ve all gone through before. We’re taught at a young age to be aware of our surroundings and be cautious. Because when we aren’t, we could be potentially opening the door to being a victim of a crime, assault or accident. Violence against women, a global and national concern “The World Health Organization estimates that 1 in 3 women worldwide have been subjected to either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime,” said Saira Kalia, MD, a psychiatrist at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson. “In the U.S., 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner.” While you should never let the threat of an attack keep you from having fun, it’s a reality many women must remember when they head out with friends or alone at night—and even during the day. Being aware of the possibilities can help keep you safe from problems and let you enjoy your time out. Tips for women to stay safe on a night out If you’re planning a moms’, ladies’, or friends’ night out in the future, Dr. Kalia has helped us put together nine important safety tips to ensure you have the best and safest night out you possibly can.

1. Stay together To keep yourself safe, keep your friends close, and your girlfriends even closer. Whether on the subway or on the dancefloor, using the buddy system is an excellent way to make sure everyone stays safe. Walk your friends to their car and make sure they get inside their homes safely. Remember: there’s always safety in numbers. If drinking is involved, make sure you have at least one person as a designated driver who can help ensure everyone gets home safely. It may not be any fun “babysitting” your friends, but having at least one sober person can deter others from taking advantage of anyone in the group.

2. Be aware of your surroundings If someone is creeping you out or you aren’t feeling comfortable in the place you’re at, let a friend know and move to another location. “Some of the main things to remember are to be aware of your surroundings and to trust your instincts,” Dr. Kalia said. “Being courteous isn’t more important than safety, so trust your gut and be comfortable not giving details about yourself.”

3. Guard your drinks When you’re out dancing and having a good time, it can be easy to forget about your unattended drinks on a table or bar. Unfortunately, this is a great opportunity for someone else to slip a drug into your drink—making you an easier target for sexual assault. Make a habit of taking your drinks with you or buying a new one each time. Don’t accept premade drinks from strangers. If someone wants to buy you a drink, go to the bar and watch the bartender pour it for you.

4. Recognize the signs of being drugged There are a few drugs, often called “date rape drugs,” which when placed in a person’s drink can lead to sedation and reduced inhibitions. Things like Rohypnol (nicknamed roofies), GHB and Quaaludes can be slipped into your drink without you even knowing or even detecting. “Sometimes there are a few indicators that your drink has been spiked, such as a color change, excessive bubbles or a cloudy appearance, but most often you will not see, smell or taste a difference in your drink—you’ll only feel the difference,” Dr. Kalia said. If you or a friend think you’ve been drugged, head to the hospital. If you’re out alone or on a date, call someone you trust and get to the hospital. “Most of these drugs leave the body within 48 to 72 hours, so early testing can help clarify what happened.”

5. Drink responsibly This should go without saying, but pace yourself when you’re out drinking with your friends. Make sure you’ve eaten something beforehand and stay hydrated (with water!) throughout the night. Such measures can help you stave off a hangover the next day.

6. Watch what you post on social media Don’t post on social media where you are going or where you are at currently. Wait until you have left to post photos or videos. Posting where you’re at is like an open invitation for others to come and find you.

7. Download a personal safety app Whether your date isn’t going as expected, your car breaks down or you’ve lost your friends at the club, here are some free apps that can keep you safe, protected and connected with those you love: Circle of 6: Allows you and a circle of six friends or trusted people to quickly call on when you’re in danger or need help. With one touch, you can ping your contacts or emergency services for help, along with your current location. Watch Over Me: You can tell the app how long to watch over you until you reach your location. If you fail to reach your destination, it sends an emergency alert to your chosen contacts.